Implementing Hierarchical Clustering - In Python Programming language
Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering Unsupervised learning is a type of Machine learning in which we use unlabeled data and we try to find a pattern among the data. Clustering algorithms falls under the category of unsupervised learning. In these algorithms, we try to make different clusters among the data. Hierarchical Clustering algorithms build a hierarchy of clusters where each node is a cluster consisting of the clusters of its children node. fig. 1 Check out my blog on Hierarchical Clustering - An Unsupervised learning Algorithm to learn more about it. Implementing it with Python and SciKit-Learn We will use the python programming language for its implementation. In python language, we will be using SciKit-Learn library. So let's start with implementation - We will be using our own dataset which will be generated by us. 1. Importing necessary Libraries - To create a machine learning model we will use SciKit-Learn (sklearn) librar...